martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

Videos about Rioja wine

(Picture taken by me in my village)© Olartia Palacios

In the following link, you can watch some videos about Rioja Wine and Rioja wine region, in English:


Chapters 1 and 2 are also in youtube:
Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Also in youtube, there is a video, in English, about a very famous festival in Haro: The wine battle (La batalla del vino)

lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

La Rioja (videos)

En youtube podeis ver este vídeo sobre La Rioja (en español)que se filmó para dar a conocer nuestra regón en el programa "La Rioja, tierra universal", en el año 2007.

You can also watch the two videos I created for my English as a Second language students. I created both videos just for educational purposes, and thanks to Ben, Scot and also the help of many other people and their creations: resources published on the internet. I am very grateful to all of them, as without them I would have never had either the time or knowledge to do so.

They may help you to know more about my land, in English:
My videos about La Rioja

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010

Bibliografía sobre La Rioja (España)

Haz click en el siguiente enlace para acceder a varias páginas web donde encontrarás información sobre La Rioja:
Información sobre La Rioja


También lo puedes ver aquí:
Páginas Web sobre La Rioja (España)

sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010

A TV series: Gran Reserva

Have a look at the official page of the TV series which made lots of Spanish people wonder whether we were like that here in La Rioja! Well, if I ever feel tempted to say that life is pretty boring here, I will think about it twice, as such intrigues and cunning characters are not my cup of tea, really!
However, it is worth watching, so have a look at it. It may also help you to practise your Spanish, if you are learning it: